Print Editions Of Tracks Magazine

This publication is not intended for general distribution — the target group is those who use, or have used illicit drugs.

This publication does not necessarily reflect the views of QuIHN. QuIHN welcomes contributions which reflect opinions and issues of those who have used, or are still currently using illicit drugs. It is not the intention of this publication, or QuIHN, to encourage people to use illicit drugs or engage in illegal activities such as illicit drug use, but to reduce harms caused by illicit drug use. The editorial panel reserves the right to edit material submitted, and will not be held responsible for the accuracy, or otherwise, of information in this publication.

We welcome feedback on this magazine, QuIHN’s other publications, website and services. Your comments help us to improve
our resources, information and services. Feedback can be provided using our website contact form.

Submit To Tracks

QuIHN welcomes contributions which reflect opinions and issues of those who have used, or are still currently using illicit drugs. To make a contribution to Tracks fill out the form below or contact QuIHN.

We pay $30 for every piece published in Tracks and $100 if your work is published on the cover.

We look for all sorts of submissions, you certainly don’t need to be a Picasso or Shakespeare to be published here.

As a general guide, we look for art including drawings, doodles & digital art / graphic design, photography, poems, personal stories, short stories, personal experiences, reviews, local news, yarns & gripes. If you’d like to submit something that isn’t included in this list – go for it.

Would you like your name published and credited to your work in the TRACKS Magazine?
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 20 MB.
    How would you prefer to receive your payment voucher?(Required)
    Please Note: Tracks magazine is only published twice a year and ONLY published submissions will receive payment via an e-voucher sent to your email or via text message.
    I confirm that the work/s that I am submitting is my own(Required)