Our Strategic Plan
By 2030 how we will make a difference to the world?
Our vision: A world where all people who use substances are able to reach their full potential & the health & wellbeing outcomes of our communities is maximised.
Our Strategic Direction
Our Strategic Goals
Goal: Harm is reduced thereby social outcomes are improved.
Objective: Reduced harms associated with overdose, communicable diseases, improved mental health functioning & reduced risks associated with substance use.
Goal: Ability to self-sustain.
Objective: Create diverse funding streams & organisational growth.
Goal: Evidence created through research & evaluation informs priorities & translation into practice.
Objective: Known for sector leadership through the development & sharing of high-quality research & translating research into practice.
Goal: PWUD’s are respected partners in service design & governance.
Objective: Ensure that peer-led practice is embedded in all service design, planning, & evaluation aspects of our work
Goal: Known for strong governance & being a valued partner.
Objective: Collaborative & positive partnerships with members, supporters, funding bodies & stakeholders that advance our goals.
Our vision: A world where all people who use substances are able to reach their full potential & the health & wellbeing outcomes of our communities is maximised.