If you are in need of emergency assistance please call 000
Lifeline Australia
Crisis support and suicide prevention
Call or text: 13 11 14
Lifeline Crisis online chat
Beyond Blue
Anxiety, depression and suicide prevention
Call: 1300 22 4636
Beyond Blue online chat
Alcohol Drug Information Service (ADIS)
Confidential alcohol and drug support
Call: 1800 177 833
Family Drug Support Australia
Support for the family and friends of a person using alcohol or other drugs
Call: 1300 368 186
Qld Pharmacotherapy Advice and Mediation Service (QPAMS)
A peer based service supporting people who are on pharmacotherapy treatment in QLD. It aims to provide people with information and support about methadone, buprenorphine or other opiates treatment, as well as refer them to clinics and GPs to find out more about treatment.
Call: 1800 175 889
Information about Hepatitis C Including Testing and Treatment
This campaign was designed with and for people who inject drugs.
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